Old Earth holds many secrets; some are obvious and ordinary but some others are incredibly cryptic and secretive only to be found if someone seeks extensively the underlying structures of ancient cultures and doctrines. But resurfacing such secrets don’t mean deciphering and understanding them thoroughly; there should be a reason for como conseguir una tarjeta de crédito and behind them to keep them as a secret and if understanding is required, inhuman endeavor is expected to decipher their content. Of course searchers of long lost, arcane knowledge may find much more than expected to be. These findings may be glorious, wondrous and marvelous but it has to be kept in mind that there are things which were not, which are not and which shall not be good for mankind. And, even if the inevitable end is going to be a catastrophe, sometimes it is good to be unaware of it.
It was a boringly dull and cold November day when our protagonist, police detective Howard E. Loreid, got a a new case which he is expected to find a fugitive murder suspect, a private detective he always wanted to meet in person; Loath Nolder. This very case would change his life into something even language alone is not sufficient to describe . If you ask him, he would probably say he was a lucid dreamer or had a sleep disorder like sleep paralysis or night terror. But sometimes the line between the waking world and the dreams are odiously blurred. It is not always easy to say the real world is actually “real” and dreams are the products of our own experiences projected into the very fabric of our subconsciousness.
Loath Nolder was a venerated private detective who had a lot of successfully solved cases. His reputation preceded him and thus he become well-known all over the Wellsmoth. But, his last case compelled him suspend his job and urge him to travel to African and Oceania countries. He lived with the native people there -some of whom are cannibals- who normally did not welcome strangers . From tribe shamans and sorcerers, he learned a lots of things, including about himself. When he returned, he was no longer the person he used to be. His appearance and way of thinking changed drastically and he had developed a skin disease which looks like eczema or skin cancer which never completely understood. When he was back, he did not contact anyone and continued his investigations all alone. He strangely accepted a case brought him by Clark Field, a successful businessman well known all around Wellsmoth. Not much to a surprise, Loath Nolder mysteriously involved in some unlawful events which leaves him as a latent murder suspect.
Now as a police detective, it is Howard’s turn to find why this venerated private investigator becomes an outlaw, who is he and why he had disappeared in the first place.
Now Howard, as an ordinary man, must face dire truths hidden and sleeping for aeons. Soon he will find all this is just a tip of an iceberg